
Let AI help your

Predictive Maintenance

Use our Neural Network based on Computer Vision to measure the wear of your metal cutting tools and predicts when they should be replaced.

Focus on solving bigger problems

Web hosted application

Eliminates the need to install and maintain software on individual computers. Allows for easy access and updates from any location with an internet connection.

Fully automated process

No need for human operator intervention, which enables high precision, speed, and consistency in production. Also reduced labor costs and increased efficiency.

Tool life-time optimization

Maximize the useful life of a cutting tool, improving the efficiency and productivity of the manufacturing process, as well as reduce tooling costs and downtime.

Reliable solution for inspection

The best way to know when it’s time for a new cutting tool is by using the latest in computer vision technology.

Get started with Tool Detective

It only takes a few minutes to start with Tool Detective. Schedule a meeting and understand your needs.